Monday, July 14, 2008

In the news: Beer map points the way to your favorite drinks
Have you ever wished you could see where all of the best beers were made and served in Colorado all at a glance? Well now you can. Thanks to the power of Google maps and a custom made database, now you can zoom in and find all of the best beer destinations are all across Colorado and the rest of the world.
Finally a mashup close to my heart! Actually, I am currently working on a very similar project, although not quite as broad in scope, but still covering the entire world. When I was down in D.C. for the July 4th weekend, we ended up hearing about and going to the Brickskeller, a tiny little basement cellar bar that has 1000+ beers on the menu! Luckily, their website has the list as well, so I was able to scrape that data, convert it into a database, and geocode it. Now I am working on a Google Maps interface, and my plan is to allow people to not only browse the "beers of the world" but also save notes (similar to about where they tasted that beer, did they like it, would they recommend it, etc.!

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